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“...found packets of 25 German
made needles procurable in the interior for 8 large cash, say 1 c.,
and a larger description for double that price.
Native Native imports sank in value during 1897 to 523,559/., or
imports. about the point they stood at in 1895.
Chinese Among the native articles not appearing in Annex I are
muchinc-made cotton piece-goods manufactured in Shanghai and Hankow mills.
cotLon goods. rf he cust0ms' returns for last year show 2,315 pieces from the former
city and 800 pieces from Hankow, against 6,570 and 6,430 pieces
Aivl yarn. respectively in 1896. On the other hand, yarn spun in the mills
of these same two cities, arrived to the extent of 5,350 cwts.
against 278 cwts. only in 1896.
Exports The value of exports in 1897 was 1,149,573/., a total larger than
that of 1896 by 19,311/.
Silk, The following report on silk for 1897-98 has been put at my
disposal by Messrs. Fergusson and Go. of this port:—
Yellow silks. "The 1897-98 crop of yellow silk was good in Shantung, and...”