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“ in it was not profitable. The cost of bcancake has largely increased owing to the growing demand for it in Japan, a fact which must necessarily have affcctcd the import here, and thereby caused the increased cost in the production of sugar. l'eas and The import of peas and beans decreased very considerably, bcans' falling from 1,177,009 cwts., valued at 284,461/., to 760,502 cwts., valued at 184,855/. It would seem that only about 20 per cent, of the import is used by the local bean mills for making oil and beancake, the bulk of it being used for food. Bice, As has been noticed already, the import of rice, foreign as well as native, decreased enormously, the total quantity being 677,598 cwts., as compared with 1,868,319 cwts. in the previous year, and the value falling from 543,479/. to 166,753/. As the cause of the decrease was good harvests and a plentiful local...”