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satisfactory to find that the " Import was greater than last year,
owing to trade resuming its normal condition after the China-
Japan War, and prices ruled higher."
The total import was 3,382,119 cwts., valued at 680,729/., as
compared with 3,163,711 cwts., valued at 621,940/. in 1895.
Beancake is used entirely for manure. Beans and peas
(really two kinds of beans) are " for use in local beancake mills,"
that is, the oil is crushed out of them, and the residue, which is
beancake, is put to the same purpose as the beancake imported.
The import of rice, owing to two good crops during the year,
was less, the figure.'; being 1,868,319 cwts., valued at 543,479/., as
compared with 3,241,175 cwts. valued at 808.788/. in 1895.
Wheat. In wheat there was also a considerable decrease, but the price
was maintained partly in consequence, it is stated, of the high
price of Califoruian and Australian flour.
Matches. l^or the first time foreign matches, other than Japanese, have