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“...engaged in the trade; and an impudent
transfer of the lekin collection on salt fish from a dealer to an
outsider has nearly caused more than one riot and led to a
suspension of a trade most important to. the mass of the people.
The opening of the West River to foreign trade has again been Opening- of
urged and even expected. The result to the trade of Canton
\*'Ould, so far as one can judge, be slight, although Hong-Kong
would undoubtedly greatly benefit if goods could be laid down at
Wu-chou or Nanning on payment merely of import duty and
could be distributed thence;at a..further charge of some per
cent. The West, River, so far as Wu-chou at any rate, seems to
present, except perhaps for two or three months in winter, no
serious obstacle to steam navigation. As regards Canton the
export of silk, sugar, and matting would hardly be: affected)'and
in most other articles its long-established position would prevent
any serious disturbance of trade. Cassia and gallnuts are the
only articles of export...”