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“...of the greatest importance to Cocoons.
Chefoo as an industrial centre, and she is largely dependent on the
Manchurian variety in order to supply her numerous filatures. The
carrying trade has, in the past, been in the hands of a British firm
to a great extent, but Japanese ships have taken the trade almost
entirely since the beginning of the war. The following figures give
an approximate idea of the quantities imported during the last
two years :—
Q imntity.
1904-05. 1905-06.
Manchuria Shantung Piculs. 1,800,000,000 450,000,000 Piculs. 1,200,000,000 250,000,000
Average price per picul Taels. 1 "45 Taels. 1 "05
The straw-braid market is now becoming firmly established at Straw-braid.
Tsingtao, and Chefoo is threatened with the loss of one of her most
valuable branches of trade. There has been a strong demand du ing
the last year for staple patterns, i.e., rustic and white plain pi its.
Split and whole straw fancies were neglected, though split plain
(1090) a 2...”