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“...well as what the customs returns call regulus, or refined antimony, but is really only crude antimony, going to foreign countries. The carrying of the antimony is, however, chiefly in the hands of the junks, the customs figures only showing a very small percentage of the total export. Fire-crackers and fireworks are extensively manufactured both Fire-crackers at Changsha and Siangtan, and large quantities are exported yearly aud fil'eworlls' to other ports in China, notably to Canton and to Chefoo. Here again the bulk of the trade is conveyed in the junks. The export of rice shows a considerable increase, probably due Rice, to the steamers having been able to attract a larger share of the trade. The same remark applies to the enormously increased export of preserved eggs and paper umbrellas; the former rose from Preserved L,600 pieces for the latter half of 1904 to 370,615 pieces for 1905, eggs and and the latter from 180 to 48,555 pieces. umbrellas. Two other articles, cow and buffalo...”