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“...groundless. Protests are being made, and recommendations given to the authorities that an encouragement of cattle breeding would be more useful than a prohibition to export. The Philippines are meanwhile supplying themselves with transport cattle from the south of China (West River district) and with frozen beef from Australia. Oil. Groundnut oil and sesamum-seed oil returned to normal prices, from which they had been taken in 1904 by short crops. Silk piece- Special demands from Corea and Manchuria, made in anticipa- goods. tion of the cessation of the Russo-Japanese war, caused an improve- ment in silk piece-goods. Egg9. The exportof eggs hasdecreased considerably owing to the vagaries of the fashion of taste. Eggs from China, and especially from Chin- kiang, have a wide Eastern reputation, and it is not long since a common advertisement to be seen in Japan was " Eggs from China." The Japanese taste for China eggs was so great that two or three Japanese merchants established themselves...”