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“...consequently divided
between the French and German flags, the former securing about
two-thirds .of it. In view of the fact that nearly all the trade of
this port and Hoihow, and a great deal of that of Haiphong, amount-
ing in the aggregate to several millions sterling, is carried on with
Hong-Kong, it is to be regretted that British companies do not
think it worth competing for.
The proposed railway from Pakhoi to Nanning appears to
have been abandoned, and it is probable that one from Kwang-
chouwan through the Yulin district to the nearest point on the
West River and thence to Nanning will take its place.
The railways in Tonkin are being rapidly extended, the line
from Haiphong via Hanoi to Yunnan fu being already finished
to Vietry, 160 kilos., and nearly finished to Yenbay, 75 kilos,
farther on. The line from Hanoi southwards through Annam
is open to Ninbinh, 117 kilos., and making good progress towards
Vinh, and the one from Hanoi to the Kuanghsi frontier has been
working for some time...”