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“...this only 179 lbs. appear in the returns as having been exported in junks and 14,666 lbs. in steamers. The total value of cotton goods imported in 1902 was 1,672,098/., against 1,757,295/. in 1901. Taking the principal articles there were, however, 193,278 more pieces in 1902 than in 1901. There was a decrease only in American drills and Italians. Indian and British cotton yarn also show slight decrease. The following table shows to what extent the various countries competed in supplying Manchuria with cotton goods and yarn in 1902 :— Woollens. Miscellaneous piece-goods. Metals. Sundries. Woollen goods amounted to 29,656/. in 1902, against 18,955/. in 1901. i Miscellaneous piece-goods such as corduroy, plush and silk and cotton mixtures amounted to 15,253/. in 1902, against 9,835/. in .1901. The total import of metals in 1902 was valued at 76,584/., compared with 72,787/. in 1901. The principal items were old iron, 29,029/.; iron, 20,770/. ; and manufactured iron, 4,718/. Foreign...”

“...were raw wild silk, 122,0282.; silk refuse, 8,8712.; millet, 63,9 1 32.; sesamum seeds, 34,2022.; skins and furs, 29,7822. Silk shows a slight decrease and silk refuse an increase compared Silk, with 1901, but a considerable portion of this export is now diverted to Port Arthur and Dalny, and is also taken to Chefoo by junks from the southern coast of Manchuria. A new article of export is millet. Unfortunately this is likely to Grain, be only a temporary innovation as the Chinese Government still continues absolutely to forbid the export of food-stuffs. The Russians have allowed millet to be exported during their occupation of Manchuria, and there would be prospects of a large demand in Japan were this permission to be continued. The import and export of treasure were much less (579,7762.) in Treasure. 1902 than 1901 (969,6992.). Gold was exported to the value of 41,3672., of which 5782. were in coin, the rest in bars and shoes. In 1898 the export of gold was 149,3942., in 1899 204,2662...”

“...Dalny traffic this year ; but until the Chinese merchants of New- chwang can be induced to move to the new port and place them- selves under foreign rules and regulations, the bulk of the trade will keep to its old channel. In spite of differential rates on the railway, and the freedom from all customs duties, the amount of imports and exports by Port Arthur and Dalny was inconsiderable. No arrange- ments have yet been made for collecting Chinese customs duties on goods entering or leaving Manchuria by these ports. The country suffered from want of rain in 1902, one of the dryest seasons on record. The grain crop was deficient, and at the time of writing beans—the staple product—are both scarce and dear. The trade prospects for 1903 are therefore not very bright. I am indebted to Mr. Bowra, Commissioner of Customs, for early access to the returns of trade compiled in his office, and in converting the silver values contained therein into sterling I have adopted the rate of 2s. 7to the...”

“...squirrel, cfce. ...... „ £ 4,465 0,957 10,530 + 6,051 + Annex III.—Comparative Table of Exports from and Imports to Newchwang direct to and from Foreign Countries during the Years 1901-02. Average, Five Years, 1890 -1901 1901. 1902. Country. (excluding 1900). Exports. Imports. Exports. Imports. . Exports. Imports. £ £- £ £ £ £ United Kingdom 510 7,239 149 37 252 5,901 Hong-Kong...... 71,141 233,830 88,350 357,095 78,573 385,302 United States 29,722 7,3S0 4,089 Russian Manchuria... 502 10,110 72 10,744 5,521 Continent ol Europe (Itussia excepted) 2,427 4 21 1,887 Japan ...... 880,917 131,143 970,003 247,024 1,011,395 2S0.843 Formosa ...... 2,471 101 014 1,040 Corea......... 3,905 8,149 5,872 4,971 1,572 10,179 Java......... 3,047 15,233 15,013 Egypt... ...... 174 British America 78 Total ... 905,553 433,811 1,0S0,315 035,085 1,137,429 095,020...”