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“...have been informed on good authority that the funds in hand are only sufficient for about 120 li (40 miles) and that a section of 60 li (20 miles) at the Hankow end will be constructed first. According to my informant no decision has yet been arrived at with regard to operations at this end. General.—I do not think there is anything I can usefully add to what has been said in previous reports on the general conditions of trade of the port. This region is the only one I know in China out- side Manchuria where there are large open fields unbroken by physical obstacles. The development of mining and the construction of railways will in time no doubt draw away a portion of the rural population and thus probably lead to a change in the present methods of husbandry and the use of improved agricultural implements. This is also the onlv district where I have seen barley grown on an extensive scale. This cereal is used for making" wine," and is also eaten by the country people in place of rice. My...”