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“...United States.Report on Immigration into the United States ................2d. 656. Belgium.Report on the Precautions taken to Combat Ankylostomiasis (Miners' Worm Disease) in Belgium .... .... .... .... .... .... l£d. 657. United States.Report on Liquor Traffic, Legislation of the United States .... 5 id. 658. Mexico.Report on the Mexican Isthmus (Tehuantepec) Railway .... .... ljd. 659. Denmark.Report on the Dunish System of Taxation .... .... .... Id. 660. Japan.Report on Japanese Paper Mills .................... id. 661. Germany.Report on the Vine Culture and Wine Trade of Germany .... ljd. 662. Mexico.Memorandum on Mexican Imports from United Kingdom and Germany........................................2Jd. 663. Austria-Hungary.Report on State Encouragement to Industry in Hungary .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ljd. 064. Belgium.Report on the Coal Mining Industry in Belgium........ Is. 4Jd. 665. China.Report on Visit to Southern Ports of China .... .... .....”