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“...NEW SERIES OF MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS. The following reports from His Majesty's Representatives abroad, on subjects of general and commercial interest, have been issued, and may be obtained from the sources indicated on the title-page : No. Price. 628. Russia.Report on the Cultivation of Tea in tlie Caucasus ........ Jd. 629. China.Report on the Cotton Mills of China ................ 2d. 630. Germany.Report on Teohnical Instruction in Germany: Supple- mentary and Miscellaneous .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 4d. 63 L. United Stales.Report on the Coal Industry of the United States, 1903 2£d. 632. Italy.Report on the Condition of the Italian Silk Trade and on the Yield of Cocoons in Italy in 1901........................ Id. 633. Italy.Report on the Mineral Wealth of the Provinces of Siena and Grosseto .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Id. 634. Belgium..Report on the Diamond Industry of Antwerp ... .... .... 2d. 635. Japan.Report on Japanese Paper-Making .............”