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“...indicated on the title-page: No. ~ Price (i24. Germany.Memorandum on German Cement .... .... .... .. id. 625. United States.Report on the Rice Industry in the United States .... 2d. 626. United Stales.Report on the Iron and Steel Exhibits at the St. Louis Exhibition ....................................2£d. 627. United States.Report on United States Railways ........ .... 2-i-d. 628. llussia.Report on the Cultivation of Tea in the Caucasus .... .... id. <>29. China.Report on the Cotton Mills of China ................ 2d. (330. Germany.Report on Technical Instruction in Germany: Supple- mentary and Miscellaneous .... .... .... .... .... .... 4d. 631. United States.Report oil the Coal Industry of the United States, 1903 2id. 632. Italy.Report on the Condition of the Italian Silk Trade and on the Yield of Cocoons in Italy in 1904........................ Id. 633. Italy.Report on the Mineral Wealth of the Provinces of Siena :md Grosseto .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .....”