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“...attached to the special accounts for 1908-09 :— ' In 1,0001 Ministry of Finance— Expenditure— National debt consolidation fund— Unclaimed payments for bonds re- deemed and interest ... 916 Ministry of Communications— Revenue (transferred from the general nccount) ... 27 Expenditure (Korean railways, repairs of damage by inundation) 27 The following are the more important special accounts to the general Budget for 1909-10 :— In i,ooo;. I.—Foreign Office— (a) Settlements in China and Manchuria under exclusive Japanese administra- tion Revenue... 29 Expenditure (cost of administration) ... 19 (6) Kwantung administration— Revenue— Ordinary (receipts of administration) 165 Extraordinary (contributions from Central Government) 303 Other...... ......... 30 Total 498 Expenditure—■ Ordinary 318 Extraordinary 180 Total ...... 498 II.—Ministry of the Interior— (a) Forinosan administration- Revenue— Ordinary (receipts of administration) 2,664 Extraordinary— Proceeds of bonds ......”