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“...heavily, especially Wuchang
shirtings and yarns, and the total value was only 52,000/., against
There were no transit passes outward.
The value of local products sent to Chinese ports declined Exports
very little though the distribution shows that the northern ports ■
have regained their share at the expense of the Yangtse, while
the value of those sent abroad fell off 50 per cent., mainly in
consequence of a reduced export of tea to Odessa and absolute
stoppage of exports to Southern Manchuria. Japan, however,
took in iron ore 20,415/., against 10,823/., and the Continent
(except Russia) appears with 3,303/., and the United Kingdom
with 308/. of direct exports of "muck and truck." Re-exports
abroad (166,837/., against 195,178/.) were confined to the Continent
(1,167/.) and Odessa.
For the following remarks on what was the staple product of Tea-
Hankow 1 am indebted to a British firm:
The local supplies of Hankow teas during the season were
531,389 half-chests, against 698,897 h...”