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“...chartered for the coasting trade and 61 ships of 155,289 tons for
the foreign-going trade, also 75 German ships of 82,968 tons for
similar purposes.
Steamers 38 British steamers, representing 37,150 tons, and 7 German
t™nsferred^to steamers of 6,787 tons were sold during the year.
YartousUnef. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Japan Marl Steamship Company)
now runs the following services, with Kobe as a terminus :—(1)
Kobe to Bombay, 6 steamers, averaging about 3,000 tons; (2)
North China Line, Kobe, Moji, Chefoo, Tientsin and Newchwang,
4 steamers of from 1,100 to 1,600 tons; (3) Corea, North China
Line, touching at Corean and the usual ports ; (4) Vladivostock Line
(new), 2 small steamers ; (5) Keelung Line, 1 steamer of 1,600 tons ;
(6) Dalny Line, via Moji (new); (7) East Coast Line, 8 steamers
of from 1,500 to 3,800 tons; (8) West Coast Line, 5 steamers
averaging about 1,300 tons.
The American Line, Seattle-Hong-Kong, via Victoria, Yoko-
hama, Kobe and Shanghai, has its terminus at Hong-Kong; 6...”