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“.................................................................7 Raw sugar ................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Review of ougir market........................................................................................................................................................................8 Erection of sugar mills........................................................................................................................................................................9 Rice ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Salt ....................................................................................”

“...steadi- ness of prices has allowed of a brisk commission business with no speculation. The year 1905 was characterised by the large number of native- Ercction of owned semi-foreign style mills erected. With one or two exceptions sugar mills, the mills all employ foreign cane crushing mills driven by steam or kerosene engines, but retaining the old style evaporating process. 47 mills were erected, ranging in size from a crushing capacity of 40 tons per 24 hours to 200 tons ; all were bought in Glasgow. As regards motive power, however, 15 sets of steam and 3 sets of kerosene motive powers were obtained from the United States owing to lower prices. There are now 67 new style mills with a total crushing capacity of 5,330 tons of cane in 24 hours, representing 60 to 70 per cent, of the total crop. Of these, six mills, representing a daily crushing capacity of 1,350 tons, make centrifugal sugar, while the remainder still manufacture the old style " brown sugar," but considerably improved in quality...”