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“...customs dues collected at Cmtoms dues, this port during the years 1905-1904 :— Value. Year. Import Duties. Tonnage. Miscellaneous. Total. 1905 ...... 1904 ...... £ 227,402 135,019 £ 0,010 5,003 £ 1,906 2,176 £ 235,378 142,798 A table of the movements of specie (Annex V) is attached to Movements of this report. . " epccie- The greater part of the transit trade goes through the ports of Transit trade. Hong-Kong and Shanghai. Yet it is obvious that for goods destined for Corea, Manchuria and Siberia, whether coming from Europe or from the North American Pacific sea-board, Nagasaki is the natural geographical place of transhipment. It holds a more convenient position on the trade route, it has a splendid harbour and finally it is in close proximity to the markets themselves ; yet, in most cases, shippers prefer to send their goods either to Hong-Kong or Shanghai, notwithstanding the longer sea voyage and the greater sea risks. The explanation of this anomaly generally offered...”

“...Annex I.—Comparative Table of Articles of Import into Nagasaki during the Years 1905-1904. 1 1903. 1904. Increase or I ! Increase or | Decrease • Decrease Average, in 1905 Articles. in 1905 compared Five Years 1900-04. compared with Remarks. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. with 1904. Average 1900-04. £ £ £ £ £ Beans, peas and pulse Tons .. 9,818 55,551 8,156 44,213 + 11,338 24,971 + 30,580 Mostly from Manchuria, vift, Newchwang Wheat ..... 1,720 12.S30 ,. + 12,830* + 12,830* 14,775/. worth imported in iz| - 1904. Inoluded in "Sun- > dries >• Cool....... 291,948 552,945 436,270 873,156 - 320,211 262,942 + 290,003 Cardiff coal. Nearly all des- j® tined for Snsebo naval port 71 Cotton, raw Lbs. .. 2,762,666 46,094 2,034,000 38,525 + 7,569 54,888 - 8,794 J-H Dyes and paints 13,834 9,939 + 3,895 11,102 + 2,732 Flour.. Cwts. .. 19,550 9,222 47,000 19,805 - 10,583 17,434 - 8,212 Gradually deflected to Noji, where conditions...”

“...Tea i-1 Textiles— g Silk........ ^ Cotton ...... Clothing Miscellaneous Timber .. Tobacco Sundries.. Lbs. .. | 1,014,833 1 i 9,353 1,507 3,585 3,513 1,321 19,532 7,520 71,589 875,232 5,392 + 3,961 1,050"] iKW* ^ 1,108 J 1 !+ 19,532* + 7,520* 62,421 , + 9,168 11,697 13,433 10P,520 - 2,344 - 3,507 + 19,532* + 7,520* - 37,931* Poor quality. For consumption in China and Manchuria, not Europe and United States The actual value of timber export in 1904 was 15.162Z. 5.798Z. worth exported in 1904. Included in "Sundries." For consumption in Corea and Man- churia Total Japanese produce Re-exports 400,649 38,916 365,459 + 35,190 64,895 - 25,979 462,654 54,404 - 62,005 - 15,488 Grand total 439,565 •• 430,354 j + 9,211 517,058 - 77,493 * JrheBe figurernre^mt in to make the totals balance; they obviously cannot represent eitlier average or annual increace or decrease. Note.—The figures in the column " Increase or Decrease in 1905 compared with Average 1900-04 " represent only...”