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“...they appear, neces- sitating the hire of about 40 days' labour in the season, which, at 10cl. per diem, would cost some 1/. 13s. 4d., leaving a clear profit of 21, 2s. 8d. From the above given results it will be seen that, from every point of-view, upland cotton is suitable to the soil and climate of Gorea, and is greatly superior to the native plant. The encourage- ment of its culture would conduce to the prosperity of the native agriculturist and be a source of great benefit to the spinning mills of Japan. B.The Prospects of Cotton after the Culture of Upland Cotton has been introduced into Gorea. 1. The present area under cotton and the present cotton crop.In the absence of official statistics on this point investiga- tions have been made in the different districts, with the following results: (a) Area under cotton.The district with the greatest area under cotton is South Chol-la province, followed by South Kyeng- sang province and South Pyeng-an province. With the exception of Ham-yeng...”