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“...in price occurred
during- the year, was strong, and, the demand being great and
prices generally favourable, large imports were made.
Flour.Here our returns show the enormous falling-oil' of
26,279 tons or 44'9 per cent. This was due to the virtual cessation
of the flour trade in the Colony during- the first six months of the
year, owing to high prices of American flour, and the competition
of the Shanghai Mills, which shipped their products direct to
Chinese ports, instead of to Hong Kong for distribution. Matters
improved during the last six months, owing to the vSlianghai Mills
being short of wheat, while such as they had was -of poor quality.
The result was a recrudescence of trade with Hong Kong on the
part of Canton, Amoy, Foochow, &c., which ports had previously
been served by Shanghai, and the import of American flour im-
mediately recommenced in unusually large quantities.
Rice.There is an increase in this item of 183,662 tons, or 33'9
per cent. This large rise is undoubtedly...”