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“...this advance.
Wild silks.—Owing to the large supplies and the decrease in the
demand for tussah filatures in America, prices declined by about
50 taels per picul during the past year.
Steam filatures.—The production of steam filatures has steadily
increased, having almost doubled during the past five years. Prices
have fluctuated little.
Flour.—Owing to a very poor wheat crop in the region of the
Lower Yangtze, supplies of wheat were greatly curtailed and prices
were high. In consequence, mills in Shanghai and neighbouring places...”
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“...where it is extensively used as a fertiliser.
Cotton-seed oil.—The extraction of oil from cotton seed is an im-
portant industry at Shanghai, there being three mills under foreign
management and some half-a-dozen controlled by Chinese. All the
seed is produced in the districts immediately surrounding Shanghai.
Of the mills under foreign management the largest, which is controlled
by a British firm, is capable of producing about 7 tons of refined oil
a day, but owing to difficulties in obtaining regular supplies of seed
and the impossibility of working during the hot weather the total
annual output is from 800 to 1,000 tons only. The native mills produce
a crude oil, mainly used for local consumption, but a considerable
quantity was exported last year owing to a good demand from the
Pacific coast; 1910 was a good year for the oil mills owing to a rising
market for oil during the autumn, but the prospects at the close of
the year were not so good, as seed ruled high in price and demand
had slackened...”