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“...A small quantity was exported in 1908; 4,805 piculs (5,720 cwts.) in 1909 ; and 20,499 piculs (24,415 cwts.), valued at 30,749 taels (4,140?.), in 1910—an increase over the previous year of 15,694 piculs (18,695 cwts.). A very large portion of the land that in previous years was under poppy was, in the spring of last year, devoted to beans, with the result that there was a large surplus over the needs of the local population, and this found its way to down-river ports. The large export from Manchuria, too, has diminished the supply available for the coast population, and its place is being taken by the Ssuchuan product. Bristles.—An increase of 2,375 piculs (2,826 cwts.) is shown, the export in 1910 amounting to 14,587 piculs (17,365 cwts.). This is one of the articles to which ex-opium dealers are turning their attention, and prices went up 16 per cent, at the end of the year, when cargo was scarce. Good profits were made by exporters, but the business will be very difficult to do in a...”