1 |
“...135,002 103,874
Increase in 190G 23,706 7,750
Machinery was imported to the value of 28,812?. All except Machinery.
315?. worth was for use in the Government arsenal and mints.
The import of flour has more than trebled itself, rising from Flour.
32,363 cwts. (16,620?.) in 1905 to 117,068 cwts. (52,483?.) in
The total was made up as follows :—
Quantity. Value.
Cwta. £
American and Canadian .... 106,196 47,715
Australian .... 7,981 3,787
Japanese ............ 536 241
Native (Shanghai mills) .... 1,455 1 741
Foreign sundries in all amounted to 492,839?. In addition to the Miscel-
articles enumerated above, the following also appear worthy oflanc0l;s
notice :—
1906. 1905.
Articles. --------- — .......... —
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value.
Tons. £ Tons. £
Coal .... 15,804 13,007 3,549 2,689
Fish, &c. 28,696 43,460 21,267 30,229