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“...Haiphong. The Peking-Hankow Railway had six cargoes of materials, 1 British and 2 French carriers coming from Antwerp, the others, 1 Norwegian, 1 French and 1 German carriers, from Shanghai. One Danish steamer cleared with tea for Europe, 7 Russian Outwards, steamers for Odessa, as well as 1 Russian steamer for Vladivostock. The German " Hanna " and " Prima " carried brick tea from Foochow and Hankow direct to Nicolaevsk, and the Norwegian " Haldiz " cleared with the same cargo for Russian Manchuria. The " Indian Monarch " loaded sesamum seed for Marseilles in June, and the German " Istria " took a mixed cargo for Europe; 2 French and 1 German vessels took antimony, zinc and lead ores to Antwerp, and 1 French vessel bore antimony to Havre....”