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“ increase of 2,082.128 gallons in quantity and 35,189/. in value. The oil was American case oil, and was imported by the Standard Oil Company of the United States of America. Machinery to the value of 275,629/. was imported during 1906 Machinery, as against 190,342/. in the previous year, showing an increase of 85,287/. The machinery imported was principally for the Imperial Government iron and steel works at Wakamatsu, the various coal mines in the district, the Kiushiu Railway, the cotton mills and the sugar refinery at Dairi. Steam boilers and engines Came principally from the United Kingdom, locomotive engines chiefly from the United States of America; while spinning and other machinery was imported from the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and Belgium. The total import of metals and manufactures of metals during Metals. 1906 amounted to 143,673/., a decrease as compared with the previous year of 56,803/. Iron ore, for the Imperial Government iron and steel works at Wakamatsu...”