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“...(January, 1912) in progress and will
soon be completed.
Industrial enterprise.—Under this heading there is very little
that is satisfactory to report. The Chinkiang papee mill, which
never started working at all, is apparently past all hope of success,
and the buildings are in a state of decay and the machinery in a
state of rust and ruin. The Suchien glassworks have shut down
for want of working capital. The Haicliou flour mill and the
Tsingkiangpu flour mill were closed last year, and-the flour mills at
Taichou and Kaoyu, though still in existence as going concerns, are
not working at present, owing to the high price of wheat. Financial
mismanagement is undoubtedly at the bottom of all this ill-success.
Projected railways.—The projects mentioned in the last report of
this series for railway lines from Suchien to Hsuchoufu and from
Taichou to Shiherhwei, mentioned in the last report of this series,
have not made any progress,
Shipping.—British shipping in 1911 carried 49'42 per cent, of