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“...but the damage
caused to the second crop by the two typhoons at the end of August
is officially estimated as 27,000 tons.
Salt.—The total export of salt, which is a Government monopoly,
was 970,772 cwts., valued at 30,078/,., a decrease of some 214,000
cwts. in quantity and 5,800/. in value. The foreign export was :—
An extension of the Formosan saltfields is not at present con-
templated for want of foreign markets. In Corea the Formosan
product has to compete with salt from Shantung and Manchuria ;
the Corean Government also is said to propose to open a saltfield.
In April, 1911, tenders were invited for the supply of 200,000 tons
to Java in competition with Egyptian and Indian salt. . From the
smallness of the consignment above mentioned made in October it
appears to have been unsuccessful.
Goal.—The export of coal was 25,000 tons to China and 3,600 tons
to Hong-Kong; of this, 13,000 tons went from Tamsui and 15,000
tons from Keelung.
Sulphur.—Some 805 tons, valued at 2,284/., were...”