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“...Haikuan tael for the past four years has been Exchange per Haikuan tael— s. d. 1910 ..............................2 8f„ 1911 ..............................2 8T% 1912 ..............................3 Of 1913 ..............................3 0£ Population of Consular district.—The Chinese population of Tientsin is reckoned at about 800,000, that of Peking at 1,500,000. The population of the district served by the port, i.e., Chihli, Shansi, Shensi and Kansuh, and parts of Honan, Shantung, Manchuria and Mongolia, may be roughly estimated at 80,000,000. The approximate number of British subjects in this Consular district is 1,300, exoluding the military forces....”