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Supplementary Budget No. 1 represents the revenue and expendi-
ture of the Korean Government during the months of February and
March, 1911, which required to be submitted in advance to the Diet
then in session. No. 2 was necessitated by the outbreak of pneumonic
plague which invaded Manchuria and the leased territory of Kwantung
at the beginning of 1911. Under No. 4 the disbursement of 776,000?.
was to meet the debt incurred under the old Korean regime by the
adjustment of the coinage system in Korea, while the item of 299,000?.
represents the cost of acquiring the Seoul waterworks from a British
The following Supplementary Budgets are attached to the special
accounts for 1911-12 :
In 1,000?.
No. 1. Ministry of Finance
Expenditure (profits on deposits transferred to general
account) ... ... ... ... ... ... 102
No. 2. Ministry of Finance
National debt consolidation fund
Revenue (transferred from ordinary expenditure of
general account) ... ... ... ... ... 177