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“... tax levied on sugar and a shortage in last year's crop account, in a great measure, for the increase in the cost of Formosan sugars. For the first time in recent years no sugars were shipped by British merchants to North China, and with the ever-increasing cost of sugars it seems probable that the North China market will have to be supplied from other localities. The Formosan sugar factory appears to absorb a large proportion of the cane cultivated between Tainan and Takow. Additional small mills are being erected throughout the sugar districts under Government protection, and it seems probable that the growth of sugar cane will show a large increase in the near future. Other exports mentioned in Table II show, with the exception of Other turmeric, pineapple fibre, bamboo shoots and the Government exPorts- monopoly of salt, values in excess of those of 1902, rice being fore- most with a total increase of 236,107?. The nee crop in Formosa for 1903 was an average crop and was Rice, exported...”