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“...under both Eastern and
Western produce), was divided as follows in 1899, 1900 and 1901
From Yalue.
1899. 1900. 1901.
United States .. Total...... £ 102,118 45,382 28,461 £ 8,980 48,904 42,168 £ 5,860 47,567 40
175,961 100,052 53,467
Eroni the foregoing table it will be seen that the import into
Nagasaki of raw cotton has dropped to less than a fifth of what
it was in 1899, the heaviest loss falling on British India. The
cause of the decrease may be found in the fact that the mills in
the neighbourhood of this place draw their supplies from Kobe
instead of importing direct; a small quantity of United States
cotton also finds its way here by re-importation from other ports.
The principal items of the import under the heading of dyes Dyes and
and paints were paints in oil to a value of 3,778/., and paint for pamts-
ships' bottoms, 4,490/.; the entire supply being drawn from the
United Kingdom. Oxide of cobalt, lead of various colours, and
varnish fornUthe remainder of the...”