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“...achieved have amply
justified the investment of such a large amount of capital in the
undertaking. The various companies interested in the venture
have been amalgamated under the name of the Oriental Consoli-
dated Mining Company, of which Mr. Leigh Hunt is the general
manager. The company have now in their employ on the con-
cession some 4,000 Corean labourers, in addition to a large staff of
Chinese and Japanese and about 100 other foreigners. Five
.separate mines are now being worked, and four mills, two of 40
and two of 20 stamps are in operation, while a further mill of 80
stamps is in course of erection. During the past year gold to the
value of 150,000^. was sent out of the country from the companys
mines. The property, which extends over an area of 800 square
miles, is excellently situated as regards communication with the
outside world, having deep water approach to within a few miles
of the central camp, and this circumstance, combined with, the
excellent labour conditions, the wages...”