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“...shipped to Manchuria through Dalny and Newchwang.
Cigarettes.The value of the cigarettes imported shows an increase of 88,000?. over the figures for 1908 in spite of the increased output from local factories, and there is no doubt that the habit of cigarette smoking is spreading rapidly amongst all classes of the population.
Flour.There is a striking decrease in the imports of flour, which fell from 107,000 cwts. in 1908 to 40,000 cwts. last year, and it is clear that the competition of local mills is rapidly ousting the foreign article from the market.
Exports.It is satisfactory to be able to report a marked improvement in the export trade from Shanghai during the past year. Exports of native goods increased in value by 1,687,000?. or 16 per cent, and re-exports by 2,950,000?. or almost 20 per cent, over the totals for 1908. This improvement is noticeable throughout most of the list of commodities exported, but is especially evident in the case of yarn, raw cotton,...”
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opium, sesamum seed, filature silk, pongees and sheep's wool. The export of flour decreased in value by 275,000?. owing to the fact that local mills now supply the wants of many places formerly supplied by Shanghai.
The low and steady rate of exchange which ruled throughout the year was an important factor in the development of the export trade, and was assisted by good crops and freedom from disturbances in most parts of China. Given a continuance of these favourable conditions there should be a still greater improvement in the export business during 1910, and the large amount of money thus brought into the country should bring about a corresponding advance in the import trade.
Tea.Although the total exports of tea during 1909 were slightly less than in the previous year the prices of the better qualities ruled considerably higher, and taken all round 1909 was a good year both for the manufacturer and the shipper. The quality of some of the Hankow teas was below the average...”