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“...steady at about 3 dol. 40 c. per case. These companies have arrangements for supplying oil direct to the native consumer from installations in the interior, but the system is still in its infancy. Flour.The import of flour in 1909 was: foreign 61,392 cwts. and native 136,950 cwts., making a total of 198,342 cwts. In the previous year the corresponding figures were 241,684 cwts. of foreign and 10,494 cwts. of native, from which it would appear that the supply of native flour from the Shanghai mills, which obtain their raw material locally and cheaply, is perceptibly cutting into the import of American flour at this, as at other, coast ports. Native imports.The net values of imports of native produce during 1909 show an advance of 238,241?., the items principally contributing to this increase being beans and bean cake, fibres and wheat. Native opium and silk piece-goods both show a considerable reduction. Opium. Native.Under the heading of foreign opium the figures have been given showing...”