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“...1908 Average Native. Cwts. 652 781 1,162 1,200 278 513 957 1,078 636 1,315 857 Foreign. Cwts. 4,766 3,476 3,217 4,044 5,260 4,585 3,930 4,002 3,802 3,415 4,049 The values of the different kinds imported were as follows Benares Malwa Patna... Persian Native £ 29,425 102,814 53,997 56,563 57,977 The imports of foreign -flour decreased by 112,989 cwts., but the import is still over the average. A considerable portion of this decrease is accounted for by the greatly augmented import from Shanghai mills, which is laid down here about 6d. per picul cheaper than the foreign article. The average values during the year were foreign flour 4 dol. 5 c. per picul, Shanghai flour 3 dol. 80 c. per picul. Matches show a decrease of some 30,000 gross. They are all of Japan ese manufacture. Kerosene oil.The American oil continues 'to increase steadily, apparently at the expense of the other oils, though the Sumatra variety...”

“...710 Gallons. 3,909,479 2,198,850 1,680,309 1,262,724 1,686,795 Gallons. 4,106,489 3,066,690 2,875,309 3,170,348 4,071,181 Total ... 5,884,310 667,550 10,738,157 17,290,017 Japanese oil has disappeared from the list of imports since 1901 and the last shipment from Russia came in 1904. Native imports.The net value of the native imports trade was 263,865?. in 1908 as compared with 258,834?. in 1907, an increase of over 5,000?. The most notable advance was in beans, wheat flour from the Shanghai mills and native opium. The value of the beans imported was 17,500?. and of the wheat flour 8,160?. Silk.Silk amounting to 550 cwts. and valued at 29,990?. was imported in 1908 as against 693 cwts., valued at 43,4-23?., in 1907, showing a decrease of 143 cwts. and over 13,000?. This amount is made up as follows : Cwts. £ Raw white silk............ 9 -50 335 yellow silk ......... 179 '75 6,187 Silk piece-goods............ 334*50 21,524 ribbon ............ 26*25 1,944 Exports.The total value of native...”

“...8 FOOCtlOW. who charter the steamers for their conveyance. The value in 1908 was 83,558?., the quantity 430,925 pieces as compared with 654,243 pieces in 1907, a decrease of 223,318 pieces. Transit trade inwards.The number of passes issued was 8,872, which covered goods to the value of 66,473?. In addition to the above Chinese cotton yarn to the value of 7,934?. and wheat flour from the Shanghai mills valued at 44?. were sent into the interior under transit pass. Transit trade outwards.55 passes were issued covering camphor for export to the value of 4,152Z. Native customs. Experts. Paper.The export of paper of the first quality rose from 94,976,635 to 112,498,513 sheets, an increase of 7,521,878 sheets. It shows, however, a decrease of 8,823,684 sheets in the five years' average. Sugar cane.The increasing export of sugar cane is very note- worthy. This article was not included in the native customs returns till 1905 when the amount recorded was 32 cwts. only. In 1907 the export had risen...”

“...Eetukn of Principal Articles of Import into Foocliow during the Years 1907-08continued. Articles. Average, Five Years 1903-07. 1907. 1908. Increase or Decrease in 1908 compared with 1907. A verage, Five Years. Native sundries Beans ... ... ... ...Cwts. Flour, Shanghai mills ... ... Indigo, liquid ... ... ... Medicines ...... ... £ Opium ... ... ... ...Cwts. Bice ... ... ... ... Wheat ............ 113,881 1,452 19,700 14,255 693 73,185 89,710 137,690 2,321 24,619 15,695 636 39,244 170,017 66,808 19,639 14,496 1,315 4,325 30,106 + 32,327 + 64,487 4,980 1,199 + 679 + 4,325 9,138 + 56,136 + 65,356 61 p + 241 § + 622 2 68,860 o 59,604 f,...”