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“...has fallen off somewhat. I hear, however, that this is due to the fact that a much larger quantity of sugar than usual was delivered here by junks, the statistics of which do not appear in the customs returns. The total value of the native imports amounted to 390,023 Haikuan taels (51,393?.), a slight increase on last year's figures 47,672?.and this in spite of the fact that, owing to the satisfactory local crops, no rice had to be imported into Wenchow. Cotton yarn from the Shanghai and Ningpo mills shows a considerable improve- ment. The total value of the export trade amounted to 1,130,004 Haikuan taels (148,902?.), a rise of over 75 and 170 per cent, on the totals for the two preceding years. This increase is mainly due to the largely increased export of tea, brought about by the reduction of the export duty to an effective 5 per cent....”

“ trade with the United Kingdom and her dependencies Direct trade only amounted to 703Z., and consisted of palm-leaf fans, rattans wit'kthe and medicines from Hong-Kong. sSgdom and Among local improvements may be noted the establishment of her a soap factory at Wenchow by a Chinese who obtained the necessary dependencies, knowledge in Japan, and of a small factory at T'ai Chow, where ^ocal lmnroYo- towels are made after Japanese style from yarn manufactured by mi>nts. the" Ningpo cotton mills. Owing to the comparative cheapness of both products I am informed that they are obtaining a ready market. 1 Jin conclusion I must express my indebtedness to Mr. J. F. Schoenicke, Commissioner of Customs, for his courtesy in allowing me access to the customs returns before their publication. Table 1.Return of all Shipping at the Port of Wenchow during the Year 1903. Entered. Sailing. Steam. Total. Nationality. Number Number Number of Tons. of Tons. of Tons. Vessels. Vessels. Vessels...”