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“...770?. Foreign sundries were imported in 1903 to the value of 574,246?., Sundries- compared with 569,820?. in 1902. The principal items are cigarettes, 18,652?.; coal, 62,873?. ; aniline dyes, 19,059?. ; American [flour, 6,682?. ; matches, 18,094?. ; American kerosene oil, 63,959?. ; railway plant and material, 67,274?. ; sugar, 82,174?. American kerosene oil has recovered from the falling-off in 1902, but American flour shows a serious decrease. The competition of the flour ground in the Harbin mills, five in number, established by the Russians, from locally grown wheat, has affected unfavourably the market for the imported article. Sugar has fallen off considerably compared with 1902, but is well above the five years' average. The importation of 1902, both of foreign and native sugar, was exceptionally large, and evidently glutted the market. Native imports in 1903 amounted to 965,961?., compared with Native 907,580?. in 1902. The principal articles were native cloth andimporfc8' nankeens...”