Taiwan, Manchukuo, and the Sino-Japanese War

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Taiwan, Manchukuo, and the Sino-Japanese War
Lin, Manhong
SOAS University of London -- Centre of Taiwan Studies
Place of Publication:
SOAS University of London
Publication Date:


With the establishment of Manchukuo in 1932, Manchuria turned into Taiwan's most important area to trade with in Chinese mainland. Taiwanese entrepreneurs from countryside and urban areas of Taiwan joined this "international" trade mostly opened by the Japanese merchants and the Japanese government. The reinforcement of the Taiwan-Manchukuo trade was made at the cost of the Manchukuo-Inland China trade. When the overseas Chinese in the Southeast Asia decreased their purchase of Taiwanese products which had been categorized as "Japanese" products because of Japanese invasion against China, the Taiwanese exclaimed that the imperial army in Manchukuo and North China had saved their economy. This historical account discloses that the Taiwanese and mainlanders who had to live together in the postwar Taiwan had actually been opposing with each other during the Sino-Japanese War. It explains to some extent the two ethnic groups' much congruent memory of Japan in the post-1945 Taiwan. ( en )
General Note:
Biographical Information: Lin Man-houng was born in Taiwan in 1951. She was mostly educated in Taiwan and received her Ph.D. in History and East Asian Languages from Harvard University in 1989. Lin has been a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica since 1990 and Professor at the Department of History, National Taiwan Normal University since 1991. Lin's main area of research focuses on Treaty ports and Modern China, Native opium of late Qing China, Currency crisis and early nineteenth-century China, Various empires and Taiwanese merchants' Great East Asian overseas economic networks, 1860-1961. She has published 5 books and about 80 papers in Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean in these areas, which are listed at http://www.mh.sinica.edu.tw. Her book, China Upside Down: Currency, Society and Ideologies, 1808-1856 (Harvard East Asian Series, 2006) links China's topsy-turvy change from the center of the East Asian order to its modern tragedy with the Latin American Independence Movement.
General Note:
Recorded on 19 June 2014 at an event sponsored by the SOAS Centre of Taiwan Studies
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Lin, Manhong : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/66783197

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SOAS University of London
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SOAS University of London
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