Massacre of Rev. John Williams.

Material Information

Massacre of Rev. John Williams.
Series Title:
Objects of instruction : treasures of SOAS
Added title page title:
Massacre of Reverend John Williams.
Alternate title:
Death of Reverend John Williams
On permanent loan from the Council for World Mission Archive.
Place of Publication:
Paper ( medium )
H21,5 x W31,5 cm in


Subjects / Keywords:
Ni-Vanuatu (Melanesian people)
Missionaries ( lcsh )
Christian martyrs ( lcsh )
Williams, John, 1796-1839
Spatial Coverage:
Pacific -- Vanuatu -- Tafea -- Erromango
-18.8139 x 169.1228


This print in the Council for World Mission archive vividly encapsulate the most dramatic aspects of missionary life. It shows a very different reception the next day on the island of Erromango, where Williams and a companion were butchered within minutes of landing, and eaten. A martyr to his faith, Williams became a legend and inspiration for missionaries and a series of seven London Missionary Society ships were named John Williams. -- This print is one of the ‘Baxter prints' after their creator, George Baxter (1804-67), a personal friend of Rev. Williams. Using wooden blocks to superimpose the different colours, this innovatory process was popular for a short time, but did not bring wealth to its inventor and was replaced by lithography, leaving Baxter to die in poverty (Text by Susannah Rayner, from the exhibition catalogue: Objects of instruction : treasures of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Anna Contadini, Editor. London : SOAS, University of London, 2007.) ( en )
General Note:
The 'Objects of instruction : the treasures of SOAS' exhibition was funded through a generous gift from the Foyle Foundation and with the support of the Arts & Humanities Research Council.
General Note:
Source: A. Contadini (ed.), Objects of instruction : treasures of the School of Oriental and African Studies. London : SOAS, University of London, 2007. Listed as item number: 11
General Note:
British Library notes: "Massacre of the Rev. John Williams; a cleric being attacked by several men with clubs, spears and bow and arrow. At the back of him is a boat with sailors and other men being attacked by another group of men."

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Holding Location:
Brunei Gallery
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Resource Identifier:
CMW/LMS, Baxter Prints ( soas manuscript number )