I. MANUSCRIPTS formely in the possession of SIR WILLIAM JONES. PERSIAN: THEOLOGY, TRADITION, LAW. No. I. W. 129. Size 22½ x 12. ff. 300. ll. 9. الفرايض الشريفية Al-fará'iḍu 'sh-Sharífiyya. A Persian translation of Sayyid Sharíf Jurjání's commentary on the Sirájiyya, the famous treatise on the Muḥammadan Law of Inheritance by Siráju 'd-Dín as-Sajáwandí (cf. No. XCII of this List). The translator's name is Muḥammad Qásim ibn Muḥammad Dá'im Bardwání, and he completed his work in a.h. 1189 (a.d. 1775–6.) The translator's preface begins: جوهر ازهر آرايندۂ ديهيم محاورت ستايش قسامى است The translation begins: جمييع ستايش يابت است مر خداس راكه پروردكار عالمهاست and ends: و بر مولا كه نبودن برادر وارث ميكردد تقسيم نموده شد Not dated. 18th century. Written in large Persian nasta'líq; wide decorative gilt margins throughout. This volume was given by Warren Hastings to Sir William Jones, who has made copious marginal notes throughout, and who writes at the end, "Read four times with great attention, 22 Feb., 1793."