گنج الگنج

Material Information

گنج الگنج نصر بن احمد
Added title page title:
Ganj al-ganj Naṣr ibn Aḥmad
Added title page title:
Ganj al-ganj Nasr ibn Ahmad
نصر بن احمد, ابو القاسم, الشاداني النيشابوري
Naṣr ibn Aḥmad, al-Shādānī al-Nīshāpūrī ( contributor )
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Persian prose literature.
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- Iran


General Note:
Good Indian Nasta-liq script. Text rubricated.
General Note:
fol. ii, 522, i.
General Note:
1040 Hijri-qamari
General Note:
Naṣr ibn Aḥmad : also known as, Abu al-Qāsim
General Note:
Funded by the JISC Transatlantic Digitisation Collaboration programme, in partnership with Yale University funded by the USA's National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
Archives and Special Collections
Rights Management:
This item may be used under license: Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial (CC BY-NC)
Resource Identifier:
MS 47860 ( soas manuscript number )
741033 ( aleph )