ABBREVIATIONS N.B. The abbreviations for catalogues listed in GAL I, 4-6 : SI, 5-11 are excluded. a. - abū (ī) A. - Aḥmad ‘A. -’Alī ‘Al. - ‘Abd Allāh ‘Aq. - ‘Abd al-Qādir ‘Ar. - ‘Abd al-Raḥmān B. - Bāb b. - ibn Badger - Salīl b. Ruzaiq: History of the Imāms and Sayyids of ‘Omān ... translated by G.P. Badger. London, 1871. Bouyges - Bouyges, M.: Essai de chronologie des oeuvres de al-Ghazali (Algazel). Beyrouth, 1959. Ch. Beatty - The Chester Beatty Library. A handlist of Arabic manuscripts, by Arthur J. Arberry. Dublin, 1955-66. 8 vols. cmt. - commentary D. - Dā’ūd Dharī’ah - Āghā Burzug al-Ṭihrānī: al-Dharī’ah ila taṣānīf al-Shī’ah. Najaf and Tehrān, 1355-98 A.H.. 25 vols. Ef. - Efendī Fahd - Fahd, T.: La divination arabe. Leiden, 1966. GAL - Brockelmann, C.: Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. 2nd ed., Leiden, 1943-49. 2 vols. Supplement (to the first edition) Leiden, 1937-42. 3 vols. GAS - Sezgin, F.: Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums. Leiden, 1967-