- Permanent Link:
- http://digital.soas.ac.uk/LOAA003340/00001
- General Note:
- The manuscript has been in possession of the family of Alhaji Abdullahi Umar, the Vizier of Gwandu – a traditional Hausa-speaking emirate, north-east Nigeria. (Gwandu city was one of the two capitals – together with Sokoto – of the Fulani Empire following the 1804-12 jihad). According to A. H. D. Bivar, he made photographs of the entire volume at Birnin Kebbi in January-February 1958, on behalf of the Federal Department of Antiquities. At that time the manuscript was referred to as the “Malam Muhammadu Qur’an” (hence the title), who was the grandfather of the present Vizier Abdullahi Umar. In 2003, when the photographic collection was transferred to the SOAS library, there were only two pages available. In 2010, D. Bondarev made digital photographs of MS.4MM in Birnin Kebbi in the house of the Vizier of Gwandu. This copy of the Qur’an, most probably plundered at the time of destruction of Birni Gazargamu, the Capital of the Borno Sultanate until 1808, travelled considerable distance from Borno to Gwandu (about 900 kilometres). The manuscript is incomplete and the initial quarter of it is in very poor condition, many leaves being glued together because of water damage. The paper is Italian and has an early (probably 17th century) type of the “tre lune” (three crescents) watermark. The text block is about 21x13 cm, inner margins 35-40 mm, outer margins 55-60 mm, 12 lines per page. Each page contains many Old Kanembu glosses. The Arabic commentaries on the Qur’anic text are extensive and taken from various tafsir books.
- General Note:
- Creative Commons (CC)-Lizenzen: Namensnennung-NichtKommerziell-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 international (CC BY-NC-SA). Dieses Bild ist als in hoher Auflösung zur Verfügung. Kontaktieren Sie den Digital Library Project Office an der SOAS, University of London.
- General Note:
- Cette ressource numérique est dans le domaine public. S'il vous plaît, utiliser en accord avec la licence Creative Commons: Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage dans les mêmes conditions (CC BY-NC-SA). Fichiers numériques de haute résolution sont disponibles sur la SOAS, Université de Londres - le Bureau du projet de bibliothèque numérique.
- General Note:
- This resource was digitized as a project of the Center for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg and SOAS, University of London. Funding for this project came from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and Arts & Humanities Research Council in the UK.
- General Note:
- Diese Ressource wurde als ein Projekt des Zentrums für das Studium der Manuskriptkulturen an der Universität Hamburg und der SOAS, University of London digitalisiert. Finanzierung für dieses Projekt kam von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und Arts & Humanities Research Council in Großbritannien.
- General Note:
- Cette ressource a été numérisée en tant que projet du Centre pour l'étude des cultures de manuscrits, de l'Université de Hambourg et SOAS, Université de Londres. Le financement de ce projet provient de la Fondation allemande pour la recherche (DFG) et le Conseil Arts & Humanities Research au Royaume-Uni.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- SOAS, University of London
- Rights Management:
- This item is in the public domain. Please use in accord with Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA). High resolution digital master available from SOAS, University of London - the Digital Library Project Office.
- Classification:
- BP100 ( lcc )