Letter from William Howe dated 1850 April 20

Material Information

Letter from William Howe dated 1850 April 20
Series Title:
South Seas, 1850
Added title page title:
Folder number 1 : Jacket C : Letter 4
Howe, William, 1797 or 1798-1863 ( Author, Primary )
Place of Publication:
Papeete, French Polynesia
[holographic manuscript]
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Thomson, Robert, 1816-1851
Howe, William, 1797 or 1798-1863
Océanie -- Polynésie française -- Îles du Vent -- Papeete -- Papeete -- Tahiti
Oceania -- French Polynesia -- Îles du Vent -- Paparā -- Tahiti
Océanie -- Polynésie française -- Îles du Vent -- Paparā -- Tahiti
Spatial Coverage:
Oceania -- French Polynesia -- Îles du Vent -- Papeete -- Papeete -- Tahiti
-17.53733 x -149.5665 ( Papeete, French Polynesia )
-17.7583 x -149.5083 ( Papara, Tahiti, , French Polynesia )


Account of people of Papara inciting him to return to them and of Mr Thomson’s efforts to prevent it. ( en )
General Note:
This document bears the date 1850 April 20
General Note:
Biographical reference for William Howe, see: Woods, Fred E. "Latter-day Saint missionaries encounter the London Missionary Society in the South Pacific, 1844-1852." in BYU Studies Quarterly vol. 52 no. 3 (2013), p. 110
General Note:
Biographical reference for William Howe, see: Sibree, James. "A Register of missionaries, deputations, etc. from 1796 to 1923." (London : London Missionary Society, 1923) page 45, entry number 392

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
Special Collections
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Resource Identifier:
CWM/LMS/South Seas/Incoming correspondence/Box 23/Folder No. 1/Jacket C/Letter 4 ( order with reference )
CWM/LMS/02/02/115 ( calm reference )