Grant of land in Sooloo from Sultan of Sooloo

Material Information

Grant of land in Sooloo from Sultan of Sooloo
Added title page title:
Grant of land in Sulu from Sultan of Sulu
Badaruddin II, Sultan of Sulu, approximately 1865-1884 ( Author, Primary )
Haynes, T. H. (Thomas Henry)
Place of Publication:


Subjects / Keywords:
Asya -- Sultanato ng Sulu
اسيا -- کسلطانن سولو دار الإسلام
Spatial Coverage:
اسيا -- کسلطانن سولو دار الإسلام
6.051944 x 121.001944


General Note:
Malay language, written in the Jawi (Arabic) script, on the first half followed by an English translation on the second half.
General Note:
This letter bearing the receiver's date of April 23, 1883 has the penciled legend "6"
General Note:
Badaruddin II, Sultan of Sulu, reigned from 1881 to 1884 at the age of 19, leaving no male heir. It may have been written by his wife or by the wife of the new Sultan
General Note:
The Sultanate of Sulu (Tagalog: Kesultanan Sulu; Tausūg: Kasultanan sin Sūg, Malay [Jawi script]: کسلطانن سولو دار الإسلام, Malay: Kesultanan Sulu, Arabic: سلطنة سولك‎) was founded in 1407, gaining independence from the Bruneian Empire (Indonesian: Empayar Brunei; Malay [Jawi script]: إمبراطورية بروناي ; also known as the Sultanate of Brunei) in 1578. It relinquished civil authority from 1915 to 1962 to a succession of Western colonial powers including Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. It civil authority was restored in 1962, when the Philippines recognised its existence. In 1986, it was dissolved by the Philippines. Ownership of the territory, in 2019, is disputed by Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
General Note:
PP MS 26/04/03 is labeled T. H. Haynes and Sultan of Sulu, 1884-1885
Transcription of page 1 (Malay text),:
Al-Sultan Haji Muhammad Badarudin -- Tanda Tangan -- Umur 22 Tahun -- Bahawa adalah kita Al-Haj Muhammad Badarudin Sultan negeri Sulu(k) meng[a]nugerahi Tuan Haynes Streeter en kompeni atau kepada wakilnya sekeping tanah yang dipilihnya sendiri yang tiada dipakai orang terlebih dahulu mengadap sungai Maimbung. Panjangnya dua ribu depa dan lebarnya seribu depa. Demikian itulah luasnya akan dipakainya sebab akan membuat kebun-kebunan sampai delapan belas bulan lamanya, dimulai pada lima haribulan Jun tahun 1883 atas perjanjian ia membayar cukai lima per sen daripada apa2 (apa-apa) barang yang masuk dan keluar. Melainkan enjin itu yang tiada kena cukai. Maka bawah duli Sultan berjanji akan mengganti apa2 (apa-apa) kerugian yang diperbuat oleh rakyatnya - Adapun tanah yang terbuat itu akan pulang kepada bawah Duli Sultan kalau tidak dikerjakannya dalam waktu yang disebutkan itu. Maka kita bawah duli Sultan nanti memberi kepadanya satu perjanjian yang betul fasal meng[a]nugerahi tanah itu kepadanya dan kepada waris2nya (waris-warisnya) dan kepada wakil2nya (wakil-wakilnya) sampai sembilan puluh sembilan tahun lamanya (99) adanya. Tamat alkalam diperbuat surat ini di negeri Maimbung kepada 17 haribulan April tahun 1883 -- Transcription courtesy of the Jawi Transcription Project :
Transcription of page 3 (English text),:
Sultan al Hadji Mohamed Badrudin -- We, Hadji Mohamed Badrudin Sultan of Sulu grants to --- Haynes, --- rfo or their assignees a piece of land of their own choosing not being occupied by any body previously, fronting the river Maimbong to the extent of two thousand fathoms in length and one thousand fathoms in breadth or the equivalent to the - retained by them for the purpose of agriculture for the space of eighteen months beginning from the fifth of June 1883, on condition their paying five per cent duty import and export machinery excepted, the Sultan guaranteeing all losses caused by his subjects. The said land to lapse back to the Sultan if not worked within the said time. If --- Haynes, ---rfo Comman-- to work the said land in the given time We, the Sultan of Sulu will give them a proper deed granting the land to them their heirs or assignees for a term of ninety nine years (99) Maimbong, 17th April A.D. 1883 -- Transcription courtesy of the Jawi Transcription Project :
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Haynes, T. H. (Thomas Henry) : URI

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Resource Identifier:
PP MS 26/04/03 ( SOAS personal papers manuscript number )