Your search within this document for 'Iraq' resulted in two matching pages.

“...GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EAST INCORPORATING “THE NEAR EAST AND INDIA” Telegrams : Eastaprox, Westcent, London Telephone : Holborn 8254-5 Subscription : 30s. a year Registered as a Newspaper The authority for 30 years on the industry, economics and current affairs of Great Britain, the Balkans, Turkey, Egypt, the Sudan, Malta, Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Arabia, India, Afghanistan, the Netherlands East Indies, the Federated Malay States, China and Japan. JUNE 6, 1942 GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EAST, LTD. 133 -136, High Holborn, London, W.C.l No. 1619—Vol. LVIH Postage: Inland Id., Abroad Id. INDUSTRY SPEAKS \X7HAT is going to happen to the ’ ’ private lives of all of us when the war chaos falls back into order? If we are wise we shall remember one thing— that down history after all the interrup- tions of the world’s business, after all the slumps, trade has become eventually better than ever it was before. While there are sudden dips in the graph of this world’s destiny the general line...”

“...THE IMPERIAL ANK OF IRAN (Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1889) CAPITAL (fally paid) - £1,000,000 RESERVE £760,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders, £1,000,000 Branches ; Ahwaz Arab (Sultanabad) Baghdad Basra Bushire Hamadan Isfahan IQermanshah Khorram Shahr Chief Office TEHERAN Eurtait Teheran Meshed (Bazaar Office) Resht Zahedan Shiraz Tabriz The Bank transacts banking business oj every description in and connected nvith Iran and Iraq ; and in London, grants Drafts, Telegraphic Transfers and Letters of Credit, and negotiates or collects Bills on Iran and Iraq. Head Off.ce 11, TELEGRAPH ST., MOORGATE, E.C.2...”