Your search within this document for 'Iraq' resulted in two matching pages.

“...GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EAST INCORPORATING “THE NEAR EAST AND INDIA” Telegrams : Eastaprox, Westcent, London Telephone : Holborn 8254-5 Subscription : 30s. a year Registered as a Newspaper The authority for 30 years on the industry, economics and current affairs of Great Britain, the Balkans, Turkey, Egypt, the Sudan, Malta, Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Arabia, India, Afghanistan, the Netherlands East Indies, the Federated Malay States, China and Japan. APRIL 4, 1942 GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EAST, LTD. 133 -136, High Holborn, London, W.C.l No. 1610—Vol. LVIU Postage: Inland l|d., Abroad Id. “PLANNING” WORLD TRADE DRITAIN and the United States, realising that there would be chaos and despair in the world if the war ended suddenly with no plans made for world trade, set out in the Atlantic Charter high ideals, and in the agree- ment signed on February 23 last, steps by which those ideals might be achieved. One practical aim is recognised as essential, “the expansion ... of pro- duction...”

“...IMPERIAL ANK OF IRAN (Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1889) CAPITAL (fully paid) - £1,000,000 RESERVE £760,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders, £1,000,000 Branches : Ahzvaz Arab (Sultanabad) Baghdad Basra Bushire Hamadan Isfahan Kermanshah Khorram Shahr Chief Office TEHERAN Ifivcait Teheran Meshed (Bazaar Office') Resht Zahedan Shiraz Tabriz The Bank transacts banking business of emery description in and connected moi th Iran and Iraq ; and in London, grants Drafts, Telegraphic Transfers and Letters of Credit, and negotiates or collects Bills on Iran and Iraq. Heed Office 11, TELEGRAPH ST., MOORGATE, E.C.2 SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, W.C.l Tel.: Museum 2023-4 ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN LANGUAGES Instruction is given in the principal languages of the East, and of Africa, and in Oriental and African History, Religions and Law. For information, lists of public lectures, and a prospectus write to THE SECRETARY □inilllll'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIII...”