Your search within this document for 'Iraq' resulted in three matching pages.

“...GREAT BRITAIN AND INCORPORATING “THE NEAR EAST Telegrams : Eastaprox, Westcent, London Telephone : Holborn 8254-5 Subscription; 30s. a year Registered as a Newspaper The authority for 30 years on the industry, economics and current affairs of Great Britain, the Balkans, Turkey, Egypt, the Sudan, Malta, Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Arabia, India, Afghanistan, the Netherlands East Indies, the Federated Malay States, China and Japan. THE EAST AND INDIA” GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EAST, LTD. 133 -136, High Holborn, London, W.C.l No. 1609—Vol. LVIH Postage: Inland l|d>9 Abroad Id. MARCH 28, 1942 INDUSTRIALISTS CAN DO IT CIR EDMUND CRANE makes bicycles. But in wartime he is much more interested in a good many other things he is doing. He made progress in peace days by using his brain, demanding action and getting it. He has tried to use the same methods to help forward that part of Britain’s war work for which he is responsible, and partly he has succeeded, but the red tape boys are always...”

“ in Egypt and later Director-General of Foreign Affairs to the Egyptian Government. The execu- tive committee of the Centre, with head- quarters in Cairo, includes representa- tives of the British Embassy, the Ministry of War Transport, of the Army and the Commander-in-Chief Mediter- ranean, and the United Kingdom Com- mercial Corpoation. The Centre is responsible for an area populated by some 50 million people: to wit, Aden, the Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Transjor- dan, Syria, Cyprus, Malta, Iraq, and the occupied territories of Italian East Africa. The Centre is concerned also with supplies to the Government of Tur- key.- Its work extends, too, to British East Africa: the surplus commodities of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika are sent up north and marketed by the Centre, but British East Africa is self- supporting so far as the Centre is con- cerned, and does not need to be sustained from the Middle East. For administrative purposes the Centre is considered to be a department of the Ministry...”

“...BANK OF IRAN (Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1889) CAPITAL (fully paid) - £1,000,000 RESERVE - £760,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders, £1,000,000 Branches : Chief Office TEHERAN Alrtvaz Bushire frrrrait Teheran Arab Hamadan Meshed (Bazaar Office') (Sultanabad) Isfahan Resht Zahedan Baghdad ifermanshdh Shiraz Basra Khorram Shahr Tabriz The Bank transacts banking business of every description in and connected 'with Iran and Iraq ; and in London, grants Drafts, Telegraphic Transfers and Letters of Credit, and negotiates or collects Bills on Iran and Iraq. Head Office 11, TELEGRAPH ST., MOORGATE, E.0.2...”