Your search within this document for 'Iraq' resulted in four matching pages.

“...Great Britain and ‘he East. November 22, 1941. GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EAST INCORPORATING "THE NEAR EAST AND INDIA” Telegrams: Eastaprox, Westcent, London Telephone: Holborn 8254-5 Registered as a Newspaper The authority for 30 years on the industry, economics and current affairs of Great Britain, the Balkans, Turkey, Egypt, the Sudan, Malta, Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Arabia, India, Afghanistan, the Netherlands East Indies, the Federated Malay States, China and Japan. GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EAST, LTD. 133-136, High Holborn, London, W.C.l No. 1591—Vol. LVII. Postage: Inland lid., Abroad Id. MR. CHURCHILL’S ASSURANCE Mr. WINSTON CHURCHILL has given an assurance that no un- necessary obstacles shall be put in the way of Britain’s export trade while war lasts. He said that cuts in our export trade were not due to deference to the United States. That might have been an answer to the editorial article in last week’s Great Britain and the East, which urged that the greatest and wisest...”

“—we shall find that, apart from its extremities, it is sur- prisingly poor* in oil. The rich producing areas of the Caucasus, of Iran, the Dutch East Indies and Iraq, the oilfields of Bahrein, Saudi-Arabia, British Borneo, Burma, Sakhalin, Japan, and India are mostly situated on the outer fringes of this extensive territory. This does not mean necessarily that its vast hinterland is devoid of major oil deposits. Petroleum , has been found by the Russians in Siberia, in Turkestan, and other parts of Central Asia, and the possibility that hitherto untapped resources may one day be opened up elsewhere in the huge Asian mainland cannot be excluded. By far the most important accumula- tion of oil in the East is found in the com- paratively small area bounded by the Caucasus Mountain range, by south- western Iran and northern Iraq, to which may be added the producing fields of the Bahrein Islands in the Persian Gulf and of the nearbv Arabian mainland bordering the latter. The accompanying map...”

“...Africa gener- ally and in the Arab countries, particu- larly in Palestine, Trans-Jordan, and the Yemen. Arab students in Palestine had been offered a complete education in Italy for £2 a year. In Iraq the Germans were busy, as they were in the Balkans. Now the aim of the British Council is not political, but the Germans and the Italians were using culture for political ends. One important thing helped the work of the British Council—the welcome given to it by Governments and peoples in the East. In charge of the region which includes the Near and Middle East is Martin Blake, an alert, progressive man with a good brain and more than usually careful speech, who was eight years a master at Westminster School. Earlier he had been a master at Dartmouth, had been two As soon as the trouble was over in Iraq, the British Institute at Baghdad was reopened. Here, at the opening ceremony, are:— Seyid Nasral al-Jarsi (then Minister of Social Affairs and Economics) ; Seyid Musfatafa al-Umari (then Minister...”

“...KHARTOUM P.O. Box 221 ALEXANDRIA P.O. Box 360 CAIRO P.O. Box 13 Dingwall Cotts & Co., Ltd. VANCOUVER CAPITAL (fully paid) - £1,000,000 RESERVE £760,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders, £1,000,000 Branches in Iran :— A hwaz Bushire Kermanshah Hamadan Khurramshahr Isfahan Meshed Chief Office in Iran—TEHERAN. T abriz Resht Shiraz Sultanabad Teheran {Bazaar Office') Zahedan Branches in Iraq :—Baghdad, Basra. The Bank transacts Banking business of every description in and connected with Iran and Iraq ; and in London, grants Drafts, Telegraphic Transfers and Letters of Credit, and negotiates or collects Bills on Iran and Iraq. Head Office - 11, TELEGRAPH ST., MOORGATE, E.C.2...”