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“...BRANCH ASSOCIATION FOR THE MAURITIUS OF THE Ladies Society FOR PROMOTING THE EARLY EDUCATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE CHILDREN OF NEGROES AND OF PEOPLE OF COLOUR IN THE BRITISH WEST INDIES. FORMED JANUARY 7, 1836. Patroness. THE HONOURABLE DOWAGER LADY GREY. Vice-Patronesses. LADY BRODIE. LADY TOWNSHEND FARQUHAR. HON. LADY (CHARLES) COLVILLE. MRS. R. M. THOMAS. LADY DARLING. Treasurer. MRS. SAMUEL HOARE, JUN., Hampstead. Secretaries. MRS. HART DAVIS, Hampstead. MRS. CAREY, 44, Cadogan Place, Chelsea. Bankers. MESSRS. BARCLAY, BEVAN, AND CO., Lombard Street. ADDRESS. The Ladies’ Society, under the Patronage of Her Grace the Duchess Dowager of Beaufort, com- menced its labours in the West Indies about eleven years ago, and the advantages which have accrued in those Colonies to that portion of the population whose benefit was contemplated, has been gratefully...”

“...when the British and Foreign Bible Society asked for returns of the number of Slaves who could read, and who would thereby be entitled to its gift of the Testament and Psalter, one Chaplain replied he knew of six, while the other could name only four. The Committee of the Ladies’ Negro Education Society having been earnestly solicited to extend their operations to the Mauritius, looking for help from the same Divine Source on which they have hitherto relied, have consented to have a Branch Association formed for that Island, which, while it will derive the benefit of their experience and advice, will have distinct officers and funds, and thus preclude any encroachment on the original object of the Parent Society, while a sufficient guarantee will be given to the Public, for the careful and prudent management of the important work about to be entered upon. The Mauritius having long been a French Colony, the consequent difference of language, will present many difficulties; but the Planters...”

“................... 10 0 Lady Acland............................... 0 10 0 Hon. Capt. Wellesley, R.N................ 10 0 Rev. J. Lugger............................ 10 0 Capt. Jenkinson, R.N...................... 10 0 George Head, Esq., Rickerby Hall...........10 0 0 A Friend, by Dowager Lady Grey............. 0 2 6 Mrs. Long, Maxwell Hall ...................10 0 0 Lord Barham ............................... 2 0 0 Lady Thompson ............................. 0 10 0 Dublin Branch Association of the Ladies’ Negro Education Society .................... 10 0 Miss Hunter Blair, Portobello...........,. 2 0 A Friend, by Miss Blair..................... 1 0 Mrs. Hoate, Hampstead ...................... 5 0 Miss Hoare, Hampstead ..................j. 2 0 Miss Gurney and Miss Buxton ................ 2 0 Right Hon. Lord Bexley...................... 5 0 David Barclay, Esq., M.P.................... 5 0 Major-General Sir H. Worsley, K.C.B., Isle of Wight ..............”